Nowadays, gaming is one of the most popular pastimes. At this point, not even television can compete, especially not for those under 40. I am no exception. Even with a full-time job to deal with, I still find at least an hour or two per day to play my favorite games. Weekends are a whole other story.

Five hours is the norm. Still, gaming can often feel a tiny bit lonely. Don’t get me wrong, I do still have a decent social life, but I like to share my gaming experience with others as well. Single-player games are simply not giving me the extra excitement I need.
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Chat with your gaming friends & bridge that huge 2000 mile gap between you
Online multiplayer games have been around ever since we’ve broken free from the shackles of dial-up. Nowadays, many have an option that allows you to directly communicate with other users. Game apps with chat feature are a great way to connect with friends while enjoying the same multiplayer universe. Many other features like the availability of Elo boosting services in multiplayer games like League of legends also come in handy.
I know such Android games with chat really made my experience a whole lot brighter. Hearing wise-cracks and burst of genuine excitement from your best friends from college who now live 2000 miles away makes it feel as if they were in the same room with you, enjoying the same game. Some of the best chatting games are a neat way to bridge that gap.
Find new gaming buddies & never feel lonely playing
You don’t have to stick to your own small group of friends to have fun. Despite what your concerned aunts may tell you, gaming is not an anti-social activity. In fact, it may be just the opposite. Plenty of today’s apps offer you a chance to find gaming buddies and connect with others who share your passion.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a fan of RPGs set in fantasy worlds, fast-paced first-person shooters, or elaborate strategies – you will find your tribe. These games for making friends are a sure way to get in touch with folks from across the globe.
You never know who you might meet. Friend making games have helped me get in touch with some great people from Thailand, Brazil, and the UK.
Ditch boring single player games & make friends through multiplayer platforms
Can you make friends on video games? In the 21st century, nothing is easier. The idea of video games with social interaction may have seemed like a far-fetched fantasy 30 years ago but, today, this is a reality. If you’re on the lookout for ways to meet new, interesting faces, I have found a list of games that can help you get started.
Best Competitive Games for Meeting New People
My work takes me around the country and always being in touch with my gaming buddies helps me feel less alone. Often, time permitting, I will even meet my fellow gamers in person. Not a bad way to expand your circle of friends for sure. The bond between video games and making friends seems to grow stronger with each passing day.
Gaming is no longer a loner’s pastime. The internet has created a whole new universe that allows passionate gamers like myself to chat, connect with, and befriend others. Quite an improvement from the old days of single-player platforms and dial-up.
If you haven’t already, I urge you to try it. Having your friends on the other end of the line – or connecting with new peeps from across the globe – while playing is sure to double your fun.