If you’re founding a startup, networking isn’t optional. It’s your lifeline. Entrepreneurs need support from all sorts of people – partners, investors, customers and employees – but most importantly, they need to tap into great communities to make those connections in the first place. Here we found 18 thriving networking sites especially for entrepreneurs to help you find advice, capital, co-founders, or just have some fun! Find the best sites for you in our latest infographic. Infographic brought to you by Wrike free easy project management software.
Author: Stacy Fraser
SEO, SEM, Social Media, CMS, PPC, CPM…. Many industries have their own language, but the marketing world takes the acronyms and buzzwords to a new level. For the uninitiated, understanding and communicating with marketers can be confusing, to say the least. To help you out, we put together this infographic with a list of common online marketing terms, from anchor text to vanity metrics. Check out below the full infographic to unscramble the online marketing code and never feel lost in the middle of important work conversations again. Infographic brought to you by Wrike project management plan software.
When you pour your heart and soul into your startup, you want to see it succeed. But did you know that half of all new businesses fail within the first 5 years? If only you could ask all those businessmen what went wrong. Or collect all their experiences to learn from common mistakes and make your own business stronger! Well, you’re in luck. Venture capital and angel investment database CB Insights recently studied 101 startup post-mortems to discover the most common reasons new businesses fail, straight from the founders themselves. Infographic brought to you by Wrike project cost management software.
With every new project comes the risk of a new project crisis. As a project manager, you can’t be scared to start just because you’re worried about what might go wrong. Instead, it’s better to fully prepare yourself for any possibility, and then calmly deal with whatever comes your way. In every project management crisis, there are three stages: Pre-Crisis, During Crisis, Post-Crisis. This infographic prepares you with the knowledge you need to handle every stage with a steady hand, so you can guide your team to a successful project completion no matter what obstacles may come your way. Read…