Getting yourself a new hobby is fun and exciting, especially when that hobby is something that allows you to indulge in a different activity to what you would normally enjoy.
Getting away from screens for long enough to work with your hands isn’t something to take for granted, which is why woodworking might be the hobby for you.
It is, however, a hobby that you might find requires substantially more equipment to get started than some other options you have.
Don’t let this deter you, though, as if you can get over this hurdle, then you might well find it to be an enormously rewarding experience that provides you with some reliable pieces of equipment or furniture. To start with, you simply have to know what to get.
The Smaller Stuff
These are the pieces of equipment that you might consider consumables, as you might run out of these often enough as to where you’ll need to top them up between projects; things such as the proper wood filler, wax, abrasive paper, or suitable wood screws.
Gathering all of these things could even become a part of your process as you begin a new project, giving you some time to build up that sense of anticipation.
In addition to this, you might want to ensure that you have the proper pieces for the power tools that you’ll be using, such as drill bits, as they are something that can go forgotten until it becomes inconvenient.
Also to be considered as a part of this category, is a trusty pencil. This can help you to keep your measurements accurate, though this is something you might already have around the house.
However, ensuring that you have all the tools needed for your measurements should be considered also, as simply going off of your own estimations could quickly land you in a situation where you’re working with something that’s very far off what it’s supposed to look like.
While trial and error can be all part of the process, it helps to have everything you need so you don’t waste time when it could have been avoided.
The Bigger Tools
Obviously, when you’re thinking about the kind of tools that you might need for woodwork, what may well come to your mind first could be the bigger tools.
Your mind might first go to power tools, though that might not be necessary, and avoiding them if possible could help this activity to feel more like something you’re carrying out with your own hands.
In this case, the tool of choice that you might be looking for could be a trusty carpenter’s saw. Finding the right one for the materials that you’re planning on working with could be a whole research task in itself; it has to be something that you enjoy using, after all.
However, the pay-off for all of this hard work could mean that you land yourself with some tools and materials that really make your time spent woodworking time that you enjoy.