JEE also known as Joint Entrance Examination is conducted by CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) in the month of April every year for the students who wish to take admission in Engineering, Architecture and other Technological courses conducted by the Government, Centrally Funded and Private Institutions. JEE Exam is basically a common entrance examination to take admission in any engineering colleges all over India. This examination has replaced the old AIEEE and IIT-JEE exams conducted by CBSE.
Table of Contents
About JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) Exams

JEE Examhas two phases JEE-Mains and JEE-Advanced.
JEE Mains
This is the first phase of the Engineering Entrance Examination. The students who qualify JEE Mains can apply for admission in Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), National Institute of Technology (NITs), Centrally Funded Technical Institutes (CPTIs) and IIEST Shibpur.
JEE Advance
The candidates who have clear the JEE Mains exam can only be eligible to apply for the JEE Advanced entrance exam. Only after qualifying this exam, a candidate will be able to apply for IITs.
About JEE Main Exam Pattern
Those students who wish to appear for Engineering Exam have to select Paper 1 (BE/B.Tech) and those who wish to appear for Architecture Exam have to select Paper 2 (B.Arch/B.Planning).
Both the Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be held for three hours.
Paper 1: This is an objective type of exam containing Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as their subjects and each question carries equal weight age. This paper will be held both in Online and Offline modes.
Paper 2: This paper type has Part I-Mathematics, Part II- Aptitude Test and Part III- Drawing Test. This paper will be held only in Offline mode.
Age Limit: Only those candidates born before October 1, 1991 can appear for this exam, however, the age limit for SC/ST/Pwd candidate is October 1, 1986.
Education Qualification: Candidates who are writing their 10+2/qualifying exams in 2016 can also apply. Other than that, candidates have to be passed in their qualifying exams in 2014 or 2015.
Maximum Attempts: Every candidate is liable to attempt the examination only three times. As Madhya Pradesh and Orissa have joint the JEE Main in 2014, hence their maximum attempts and age limits will remain same in their respective states.
About JEE Advanced Exam Pattern
Institutions like IIT, ISM Dhanbad and a few other colleges grant admission in their courses only after qualifying JEE Advanced Exam. It is compulsory for a candidate to first qualify JEE Main Exam by passing the minimum cut-off marks as said by the respective institution.
Few things to note:
- Candidates have to qualify JEE Main Exam.
- Also the candidates must score 20 percentile in class 12th exam or have got 75% aggregate marks of General Category students and 70% of SC/ST/PwD Category.
- To get admission in JEE Advanced, first you need to register for the particular JEE Advanced Exam and then download their admit card.
- This examination is conducted as Paper 1 and Paper 2.
Counselling Procedure
After the JEE Main result declaration, then candidates will have to go though the counselling procedure as conducted by the Joint Seat Allocation (JoSAA) and Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB). This counselling will be done through online process where the candidates have to lock their preferred institution choices based on their proper sequence.
Counselling will be held in four rounds. The first three rounds of counselling will be for IITs and ISM.
Participating Institutes in JEE Main 2016
We cannot predict any exact number of counselling centers right now. However, last year, around 68 Institutions have conducted the online counselling. Among these, 32 are NITs, 18 are IITs and 18 are GFTIs.
The states which accept the JEE Main Score for the admission in their respective institution were Gujarat, Nagaland, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa.
JEE Details
The complete information about JEE Exam is available at website. Candidates who wish to get more JEE details can visit this website. 😀
1 Comment
Hi Harshil
Great points you write. Informative and useful. Thanks for sharing this post.