Okay, so the subject of internal linking can be a little boring, a tad tedious to do, and there are times when you’re likely to forget about it, at least until later on. However, if done well, it’s a potential recipe for true success. Further, it’s easy – so, so easy! Nothing to lose, much to gain!
Best On Page SEO Techniques

Leveraging Internal Linking on your Website
There must be at least one page on your website that you really care a lot about, right? Normally, though not necessarily always, that particular page will be your homepage since it tends to hold a lot of value. Or, at least, it should do.
In which case, you should be considering how you can dictate this value back to the search engines. How does a search engine comprehend an internal link’s value?
The search engine checks out how many pages on your site are linking to that page of value. The search engines are also ascertaining how those pages link to that page of value.
If few pages link back to said important page on your site, the message to the search engines is that this page ain’t so important.
Otherwise, however, if that page is within the main navigation of your website, the search engines – Google, Bing, and who/ what have you, will see it as your site’s most important page.
3 Ways to Improve Your Website’s Internal Linking
1. You can, if you like, draw out a map of your website. Each page within your main navigation should be listed in addition to the links that are on those pages. What this does is allow you to understand each link that’s currently on your site and where they go.
It can be that the only way to successfully see what’s working now and what’s not working now is to lay out the website in this visual format.
As it happens, you may find that there’s a reason why some of your pages are ranking well and pulling in organic traffic. And that reason is because perhaps in a subconscious fashion you linked to those pages from other pages on your site.
2. Consider the sort of topics that you frequently write about. If you write often about something in particular, you would potentially benefit from having a further dedicated page to that topic on your website.
This page may be a landing page with an offer, just as by way of example. Each post that you make which pertains to the same subject matter in one way or another, should link out to that authority page, and the authority page should obviously be optimized for the best conversion rate possible. Split test sir/ madam, split test!
With a landing page that has a prominent call-to-action, the effective use of your internal linking structure will inevitably improve your collection of leads.
Further to the point, consider where it is that this page lies within your navigation. Is it worth linking to from your site’s homepage or product pages?
It depends on your business, but you might find that linking to a particular blog post or page from the site’s main navigation is going to pay rich dividends.
As an example: Your company may need to explain what your business is all about to those who discover you on the net (the “About” page). This explanation will make for a worthy blog post, and in turn, that blog post should obtain major promotion across all of your website.

3. Now, at this point, you should then think about all the other pages that could link in to your ranking page. Again, if this is a page that is related to a topic that you often blog about, it makes perfect sense that every new post you add which pertains to this subject matter links to the ranking page.
In turn, these links will serve to get that webpage noticed by the search engines. And the search engines frequently like pages/ posts that have plenty of links to them, be that external links or/ and internal links.
Not all links are equal, but that really matters far more when discussing external links, and here, we are not, so no need to get all caught up to the fact.
Search Engine Optimization Tips
So, the lesson is, use your internal links to great purpose from now on, if you haven’t already done so. Get the search engines on your side, and make your life so much easier by doing so. 😀 😀
1 Comment
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