If you type “SEO Cincinnati” in a Google search, you’ll receive thousands – no, maybe even billions of results. You might think to yourself “Wow. We have these many SEO companies in Cincinnati?” Well, hardly. There could be many but I wouldn’t say that there are millions of them.

SEO is an online business; it’s a business that sells services to other businesses (or B2B). This means that even if a company is not based in Cincinnati, they can still reach out to you since it is not necessary to meet you in person to administer their services. Your relationship can entirely revolve online and everything will still be alright.
But how do you know you’ve got the right company if you’re choosing from thousands of results?
Well, there are a couple of ways to know. One very effective method is to check out online reviews. It’s not a new method, really. I know that most of you check out online reviews all the time – whenever you’re planning to buy something or checking out available brands (check out the stats).
Even before the internet, we already seek out popular opinions whenever we’re about to make a big purchase. We get it from friends, family members, and other reputable sources and acquaintances. After all, we feel more confident buying something that others recommend.
Question is: Can you really trust online reviews?
Well, considering how the world is today, the answer is both yes and no. I mean, isn’t it the same for everything else? It’s hard to trust a world that doesn’t trust anyone.
And no matter where you go or where you look, there are bound to be people with “not-so-good” motives. First off, let me just warn you about a couple of things that make online reviews dubious.
1] Companies Pay People To Create Fake Yet Convincing Reviews About Their Product or Service
It’s a black hat tactic but one that companies is more than willing to risk for. Reviews strongly influence people’s decisions. It basically tells them what and what not to buy. Many businesses want to take advantage of this opportunity – even if it means using underhanded means.
Fake reviews can be floating around the internet and they all purport to sway your buying decisions. You can’t really avoid them nor have someone erase them completely. The only thing left for you to do is to exercise caution and proceed carefully.
You should know how to differentiate what’s fake from what’s not – this short guide can help you out. But as a general rule, you should avoid reviews that sound too positive without justification.
A review can be very suggesting but the person must present a viable reason as to why it believes the product or service is worth the try. Saying the product is “amazing” or “unarguably the best” without due reason definitely raises suspicions. Learn how to deliberate reviews down to the last dot.
Anyway, this is why it is very important that we only trust SEO professionals like rankunlimitedseo.com consultants that have proven their skills and capabilities to handle SEO-related work over the years. It is tough to find good help nowadays, but it is not impossible. Some companies remain true to their mission and that is to provide quality SEO services to people from far and wide.
2] Companies Pay People To Create Fake and Bad Reviews About Other Companies
Even if you hear that a product or service is really bad based on one review, don’t believe it too easily. Sometimes, companies sabotage each other in order to make their brand appear a little better to consumers. This can make you miss out on really great companies and fail to avail their awesome services.
To avoid falling prey to such reviews, you should learn how to tell them apart from real ones too. Otherwise, you’ll be missing out big time on some pretty rad services. When a review is too negative, like you can feel a lot of remorse from the person writing it without due reason, then it’s probably black propaganda geared towards destroying the reputation of another company.
You know how the internet is, haters will be haters. It’s tough striving in an environment where everybody else is out to get you down – even when you’re doing absolutely nothing wrong! Do these companies a favour and learn how to decipher which reviews are dependable and which ones are not.
Long story short, there are two sides to every review. One side is true and the other side isn’t. So to answer the question raised in the article title, my answer is still yes and no. I wasn’t trying to click bait you or anything but that’s just how it is.
At the very least, I hope you were able to learn something from this article – and that is to think twice before you believe any review.
You should protect your own interests and carefully assess each and every review. Watch out for clues and always look for other reputable references. It pays to make sure that your decisions are backed up by reliable data. This way, you won’t regret anything at all!